"And We have not sent you except comprehensively to mankind as a bringer of good tidings and a warner. But most of the people do not know. "[Holy Qur’an. Saba, chapter 34 verse 28].
The One
Adrian Paul known as movie actor (HIGHLANDER). A story depicting the life of the Eternal nomads. If you want to believe, in this film tells the story of my Eternal life as Prophet Khidr, with using the language of parable to disguise or hide A True figure that played by someone else as an actor in the movie, in the language of parable, living as the wandering in the false life of the World, in the temporary World to get better Eternal life, some day in the real Eternal life.
Adrian Paul or Duncan MacLeod is Khidr
He is Duncan MacLeod (means Khidr as Duncan MacLeod...I made a pseudonym Duncan MacLeod for Duncan MacLeod. I also made a pseudonym Adrian Paul for Adrian Paul ), the Highlander. Born in Glenfinnan (Fort William), in the Highlands of Scotland in the 16th century, MacLeod is one of a number of Immortals and he is still alive. He is immortal. For four hundred years, he became a soldier ... lover ... nomad / wanderer, constantly confront his enemies in battle to the death, until the End Times (Wisdom of Khidr And The End Times - Sheikh Imran Hosein).
Duncan MacLeod is a fictional character from the Highlander, taken from the story of Khidr place named Kidirlik, by changing the names of places and names of the characters, Kirdirlik be Highlander, Khidr be Duncan McLeod. Duncan MacLeod serves as the protagonist as Immortal (Khidr). Khiḍr is immortal because he drank from the water of life.
In the region in Asia Minor Elwan ÇLelebi (Anatolia-Turkey), Khidr changed to Saint Theodore (Theodore of Amasea) as a dragon-killer. It is the only example of a proven intrusion in Turkey on the Christian cult. But in many places Khidrlik ('place of Khidr') is given to the Highland or Hill or High place (meaning high place a high position as a servant beside ALLAH) from which the Christian traditions, if there ever existed, has disappeared. Hill as it was near Angora, near Sinope on Geredeh (Krateia Bithyniae), near Changri (Gangra), near Ladik (Pontus), near Tarakli (Dablae), and in Afiun Kara Hisar. There Khidirli Dagh mountain near Kebsud, while a named Kheder Elles noted near Kula, Lydia and over Tripoli in the Black Sea, Pere de Jerphanion, Pontus new map marks a village Khedarnale ('Horseshoe of Khidr') near Sivas, which may be claimed, like Elwan Chelebi, to possess a hoof-print of the saint’s horse. Professor White Marsovan seem to find Khidrlik almost a generic name for a sacred place in the region.
We know the truth about Immortals. In the end there is only one winner is Duncan MacLeod (Khidr), Highlander (Highlander means the occupant of Highland).
When Immortal (Highlander) are beheaded, there is a powerful energy released from their bodies which is called a Quickening. "The power of the Quickening is the equivalent to a major electrical storm hitting — windows explode, lights short circuit, it is almost as if the victorious Immortal is in the center of a lightning storm."
Of myths, monsters and gods in modern Syria
He (Al-Khidr) has extraordinary powers like controlling thunder and lightning. The popular portrayal of Al-Khidr as "the killer of the dragon with seven heads" finds parallels with similar characters in other faiths and creeds such as Al-Mahdi Al-Montazar (the hidden Imam) for the Shia'a in Iran and Saint George for Christian. Al-Khidr for the Alawis - as well as for many other religions and sects - is one of God's righteous men; capable of performing miracles. According to the Alawi creed, he never dies (write by : Rita from Syria. Rita is a Syrian opposition activist, she lives in Damascus and studies at Damascus University).
Duncan MacLeod (Adrian Paul) in The Wrath of Kali". He (Duncan MacLeod means Khidr) is Chivalry (Ksatria) in Judgment Day
Highlander: The Series:
please open it and click on the new tab each typed letter with a different color
In the "Prophecy" about "The Messenger" is "Avatar" that "Live after Death" like "A Kind of Magic" which will be "Princes Of The Universe" his name is Khidr.
Highlander Theme Song
Title: "Princes Of The Universe"
By: "Queen"
Here we are
We're the princes of the universe.
Here we belong, fighting for survival.
We've got to be the rulers of your world.
I am immortal, I have inside me blood of kings.
I have no rival, no man can be my equal.
Take me to the future of your world.
And I also made the pseudonym Brian May to Brian May (Queen guitarist).
if you all want to know the meaning of the name of Brahma. Brahma means KREATOR / CREATOR
Messiah (word of Messiah derived from the Hebrew: מָשִׁיחַ "Mashiah") means "the anointed one". In the messiah of Greece.The term language rooted in the Jewish understanding of a character in the future that will come as God's representative to bring salvation to the all human.
While in Islam, the messianic concept contained in the Islamic understanding. The messiah is representative of God's that means the Prophet who will come on the day of judgment to defeat Dajjal, the "false Messiah" or Antichrist.
The Messianic Age in Judaism
This era will be characterized by God's war against Gog and Magog and other catastrophic events. Another statement, which may date from the time of the Hadrianic persecutions (132‑35 C.E.), offers the dark assessment that the Messiah will arrive in a period when Jews collaborate with their enemies, Torah learning disappears, poverty increases, and religious despair deepens:
"In the footsteps of the Messiah, arrogance [chutzpah] will increase; prices will rise; the government will turn into heresy,
The biblical clues that are offered suggest the messiah will come after a period of war and suffering (Ezekiel 38:16).
Biblical Passages Referring to the Mashiach :
Jeremiah (Khiḍr is also identified with the prophet Jeremiah), etc
Sayyidina Khidr, (or Abul `Abbas), is the one whom Allah mentioned in the Holy Qur'an [18:65f.] as the servant of Allah who met with the Prophet Musa and taught him by means of a series of practical lessons about the Will of God and His Actions. He (Al-Khidir the Green) is Tolkien’s Treebeard and The Knot Wisdom (Solomon’s Seal) of Morris Dancing.
Judaism's view of Jesus
In Judaism, the idea of God as a duality or trinity is heretical — it is even considered by some polytheistic. According to Judaic beliefs, the Torah rules out a trinitarian God in Deuteronomy (6:4): "Hear Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is one."
In his book A History of the Jews, Paul Johnson describes the schism between Jews and Christians caused by a divergence from this principle:
ALLAH Almighty Say :
Wama arsalnaka illa rahmatan lilAAalameena
And We have not sent you, except as a mercy to the Worlds.(Holy Qur'an : Al-Anbiya` 21:107)
Notes (Tafseer):
2762. "There is no question now of race or nation, of a "chosen people" or the "seed of Abraham"; or the "seed of David"; or of Hindu Arya-varta; of Jew or Gentile, Arab or 'Ajam (non-Arab), Turk or Tajik, European or Asiatic, White or Coloured; Aryan, Semitic, Mongolian, or African; or American, Australian, or Polynesian. To all men and creatures other than men who have any spiritual responsibility, the principles universally apply."
Al-Khiḍr, The Green Man
Kalki (Kalki in Devanagari: कल्कि; which means 'Eternity,' 'White Horse', or 'Destroyer of Filth') avatar Vishnu and Messiah (Imam Mahdi), In Hinduism, Kalki is the final incarnation of Vishnu in the current Mahayuga, foretold to appear at the end of Kali Yuga, the current epoch. Religious texts called the Puranas foretell that Kalki will be atop a white horse with a drawn blazing sword. He is the harbinger of the end time in Hindu eschatology, after which he will usher in Satya Yuga.
The name Kalki is a metaphor for eternity or time. Its origins may lie in the Sanskrit word kalka which means foulness or filth. Hence, the name translates to the 'destroyer of foulness,' 'destroyer of darkness," or 'destroyer of ignorance.' Another etymology from Sanskrit is 'white horse.'
In Buddhist Kalachakra tradition, 25 rulers of the Shambhala Kingdom held the title of Kalki, Kulika or Kalki-king. During Vaishakha, the first fortnight in Shukla Paksha is dedicated to fifteen deities, with each day for a different god. In this tradition, the twelfth day is Vaishakha Dwadashi and is dedicated to Madhava, another name for Kalki (Kali Yuga End of the Cycle).
Duncan MacLeod (Adrian Paul) in Revelation 6:8
Revelation 6:8
8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.
The color of Death's horse is written as khlōros (χλωρός) in the original Koine Greek, which can mean either green/greenish-yellow or pale/pallid. The color is often translated as "pale", though "ashen", "pale green", and "yellowish green" are other possible interpretations (the Greek word is the root of "chlorophyll" and "chlorine"). Based on uses of the word in ancient Greek medical literature, several scholars suggest that the color reflects the sickly pallor of a corpse. In some modern artistic depictions, the horse is distinctly green, while Green represents The Rise of Islam (Prophet Muhammad and rise of Islam [full; PBS Documentary]).
The verse beginning "they were given power over a fourth of the earth" is generally taken as referring to Death and Hades. Other interpretations relying on comparative religious research ascribe the first horseman as guiding for "the right path" as in Mahabaratha Lord Krishna by riding on white horses.
The four horsemen are to set a divine apocalypse upon the world as harbingers of the Last Judgment.
An apocalypse (Ancient Greek: ἀποκάλυψις apocálypsis, from ἀπό and καλύπτω meaning "uncovering"), translated literally from Greek, is a disclosure of knowledge, i.e., a lifting of the veil or revelation. In religious contexts it is usually a disclosure of something hidden. In the Book of Revelation (Greek: Ἀποκάλυψις Ἰωάννου, Apocalypsis Ioannou), the last book of the New Testament, the revelation which John receives is that of the ultimate victory of good over evil and the end of the present age, it is commonly used in reference to any prophetic revelation or so-called End Time scenario, or to the end of the world in general.
Islamic eschatology
Islamic eschatology is the branch of Islamic scholarship that studies Yawm al-Qiyāmah (pronounced yome-ul-key-ah-mah; Arabic: يوم القيامة "the Day of Resurrection") or Yawm ad-Dīn (pronounced yome-ud-dean; يوم الدين "the Day of Judgment"). This is believed to be the final assessment of humanity by Allah, consisting of the annihilation of all life, resurrection and judgment. Judgment day can happen when ever Allah wants it to.
The time of the event is not specified, although there are major and minor signs which have been foretold to happen with Qiyamah at the end of time. Many verses of Qur'anic Sura contain the motif of the impending Day of Resurrection.
Emerging Signs / coming of the Son of Man, Pahana in Hopi Land (Hopi Prophecy)
"The True White Brother (Holy person / Saint)" carrying swastika (a masculine symbol of purity), the symbol of the red cross (Khidr as Saint George) and the power of the Sun sign (Khidr known as Yuh / also a name of the sun).
Some experts have noted the similarity of the myth of Quetzalcoatl legend Pahana by Hopis northern Arizona. Has been described by experts many similarities between the myths of the Aztecs and the people of the American Southwest, and put the same root. Hopi describe Pahana as "Lost White Brother," and they are expected to eventually her from the east where he will destroy the wicked and start a new era of peace and prosperity
Quetzalcoatl, Melchizedek also Mescalito is Khidr
QuetzalcoatlWho is The Man from the East?
In the union of all …
a new visage rises to the heavens …
and celebrated in prayers and art …
One of the four creator gods in Aztec
belief, Quetzalcoatl is a fertility god,
who is also patron to priests and craftsmen
The Man from the East. According To Nostradamus.
In the midst of the world's natural disasters and war, Nostradamus predicted that a great spiritual teacher, a man from the East, will be born who will be the scourge of religion obsolete and revelator of spiritual mysteries around the world. Quatrains dealing with "The long-awaited," The Wise Men of the East mentioned in C10 Q 75, is believed to be referring to the coming of Maitreya, the Buddha (Kalki Avatar), fifth verse 5 says: "He will come from Asia, at home in Europe, people are excluded from the "the Great Hermes."[from Hermes, enlightenment]. (C10 Q 75, C2 Q29)
He will appear in the United Kingdom with the red cross of St George, the Order of the Garter, the rose window of a cathedral in Europe and in the particular class or series of Masonic ritual. In the language of alchemy it represents the spiritual energy released during the fiery transmutation sorcerer's lab. Symbols roses can therefore be seen as almost synonymous with Sufism, Rosicrucianism as well. And referring to rose takes center stage of the world, and he probably will make a very significant statement about the new role of Sufism in modern times as a bearer of a special kind of mystical and esoteric spiritual awakening.
Not all researchers agree on this point, but Nostradamus mentions three negative influences (Dajjal) is expected before the millennium (C8 Q77) with men from the East, "the long-awaited" which will visit Western countries through the air. Men from the East (The Man from the East) that is AVATAR SIPIRITUAL.
Nostradamus Say :
Le penultiesme du surnom du Prophete,
"One of the name of the prophet that still alive in the end of time"
The word prophet (intended for Satrio Piningit ) which will soon appear in Indonesia.
Nostradamus called the Knight (Satrio Piningit ) with the prophet is most likely because the knight will receive a miracle / revelation of God like a prophet / Apostle time immemorial. (Nostradamus, born in France : 1503-1566)
The word prophet (intended for Satrio Piningit ) which will soon appear in Indonesia.
Nostradamus called the Knight (Satrio Piningit ) with the prophet is most likely because the knight will receive a miracle / revelation of God like a prophet / Apostle time immemorial. (Nostradamus, born in France : 1503-1566)
Khidr is one of the four prophets whom the Islamic tradition recognizes as being ‘alive’
In addition to the Khidr’s (as) journey with the Prophet Musa (as),
the hadiths also contain much trustworthy information about the Khidr.
One of the most frequently debated subjects regarding the Khidr (as)
throughout the course of Islamic history is that of whether or not he is
still alive. According to the information contained in the hadiths and
the interpretations of great Islamic scholars, the blessed Khidr (as) is
indeed still living.
Among the great commentators and scholars of the hadiths who state that the Khidr (as) is still alive are:
• The famous hadith scholar Sheikh al Islam Takiyuddin Abu Omar Ibn as-Salah,
• The great hadith conserver Ibn al-Hajar Askalani,
• The great hadith scholar Kamil Al-Hafidh Abu Jafar Tahawi
• The well-known hadith commentator and conserver and religious law scholar Imam Jalaladdin Suyuti,
• Imam Rabbani,
• The great commentator Ibn Kathir,
• İsmail Hakkı Bursevi, author of the Ruhu’l Beyan Commentary and
• The great Islamic scholar Said Nursi Bediuzzaman
This is how Ibn Kathir states that the Khidr (as) is still alive: “There is an agreement among the majority of scholars that the Khidr (as) is living now. There are many reports and witnesses who have reported accounts and hadiths that this is the case.” (El-Bidaye Ve-n Nihaye, 1/328).
Satrio Pinandito "Hidden Knight" according to Ronggowarsito
Satrio Pinandito Sinisihan Wahyu "Hidden Knight". is a very very religious leaders person to the extent depicted (in the prophecy of Ronggowarsito) like a Rishi Bhagavad (Elected man by God) and will always act on the basis of the law / guidance of Allah (pair of revelation). By always rely only on Allah, Insha Allah (By: Ronggowarsito / Rangga Warsito who had studied at boarding school Tegalsari, Central Java).
Rishi or Sanskrit: ऋषि; RSI, sage, or tonabi in Islam, is a saint or POET (maker of the song lyrics, lyric poetry maker) who received revelation / Sruti (in Islam gets grace) in the Hindu religion for his efforts form of asceticism yoga samadhi (in Islam happy seclusion, solitude and away from the general public, given the dhikr of Allah, meditate on the verses in His creation. Like the Prophet Muhammad), has sanctity, chosen by God, Bhagavad means a happy man (as in give grace), the noble or holy man.
So Rishi means Poet (the creator of the lyrics, the maker of poems Poetry) or Prophet in Islam). In the post-Vedic tradition considers Rishi as Sage or Saint.

Hızır or Khidr
The Hindu concept of Rishis is similar to the concept of Prophets is similar to the concept of prophets. The Sanskrit word Rishi is loosely translated into English as "seer" (a prophet, a man who can foresee the future). Hinduism recognizes and reveres thousands of Rishis, who can be thought of as the collective founders of the Hindu religion over many millennia. Of these, special importance is given to the Saptarshi (the Seven Sages), widely regarded as patriarchs of the Hindu religion, whose listing is different according to different texts. The Saptarshi and their clans are believed to have composed the hymns of the four Vedas by entering into communion with the Supreme Cosmic Spirit through meditation. For instance, Rigveda 1.1 is attributed to Rishi Madhucchandā Vaishwāmitra (i.e. Madhucchandā of the clan of Vishwamitra). Most Rishikās were male, but some were female too. Lopamudra is the author of one hymn in the Rigveda, and Gargi Vachaknavi is described in the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad as a highly respected woman in the field of Brahmajñāna. Apart from the Vedas, various Rishis are also credited with composing the several Smriti texts, like Veda Vyasa who composed the Mahābhārata.
In Hadith :
"Verily he came from the East and he was the holder of the banner of Al Mahdi." (Hadith history At Tabarani)
Indonesia is The East
In prophecy of Jangka-Jayabaya equations with a hadith of the Prophet Muhammad
The emergence of Imam Mahdi will be preceded by several signs as mentioned in the hadith:
< ✿ > Al Mahdi will appear when many Disputes between people and the number of Earthquake.
Before the advent of the Mahdi, the world will be filled with a large amount of Injustice and oppression. There will be widespread crime in the which everyone will be Involved. Around the world, will Earthquakes occur frequently, corruption would be rampant, innocent people will be Slaughtered, with major events and terrible things Happen. Terrible war, anarchy and chaos will Become commonplace, with the constant Bloodshed. As a result, large cities of the will be destroyed.
< ✿ > Al-Mahdi comes from my people (Islam/Muslims), which will in reconciliation by ALLAH in one night. (Hadith. Ahmad and Ibn Majah)
The Sufi Messiah: Enter Khidr, the mysterious guide of the Islamic spiritual underground. He is the Sufi's version 12th Imam, akin to al-Mahdi al-Muntazar (Imam Mahdi) of the Sunnis,
The Prophecy of Satrio Piningit :
Signs of the coming of the Sipiritual King Indonesian Messiah "Satrio Piningit Republic of Indonesia" means Hidden Knight named Khidr (prophet of Islam)
< ✿ > Flash floods occur everywhere, the mountain erupted unexpectedly, without giving prior intimation. Earthquakes Often occur," Goro-Goro "(chaos, commotion, Strife and battle / ANARCHY). Hatred of hypocrites are those people who want to be imitation (false) of Satrio Piningit to deceive the public, for the sake of gaining popularity and wealth are so deeply against the SATRIO PININGIT, for fear of being uncovered the secret of who they are true (they are actually DAJJAL / they are the real Antichrist). ~ (according the prophecy of Jangka (Term) -jayabaya by Jayabaya, Jayabaya is a students of Muslims named Syech Maulana Syamsudin from RUM / EUROPE)
Description of the Spiritual King Indonesia Messiah is :
< ✿ > at the latest, after the end of the year (before the end of the world), it would come a god (Deties), like a Krishna (Avatar Vishnu, Khidr is avatar Vishnu too), that is the signs of the changing times, people return their loans, people pay their debts, live for a live, shy for a shy ~ (according the prophecy of Jangka (Term) -jayabaya by Jayabaya, Jayabaya is a students of Muslims named Syech Maulana Syamsudin from RUM / EUROPE) ~
In prophecy Jayabaya Say :
< ✿ > He Like Batara (god) Krishna (Krishna is Avatar / Incarnation of Vishnu)",.. (Jangka-jayabaya.159)
< ✿ > ... "Called Gods but just a human". (Jangka-jayabaya.170)
< ✿ > ... If war without troops, (Jangka-jayabaya.162)
Who is krishna (Krishna is avatar / IncarnationVishnu) ? :
In miniature India, Khidr trip over the big fish, suggesting the image of the first avatar of Vishnu, Matsya: The fish that save man in Manu myth (Satapatha Bramana, ...8 i..). Since early times in the form of water and light the locals had cult him (Khidr) as the Protector of River Sindhu (Indus-Pakistan). believe to be the incarnation (deity-saint and avatar) of Vishnu-Krishna and is known by various names such as Khwaja Khizr (God of Water), Baruna / Varuna / Varun Dev / Jhulelal (Baruna / Varuna / Varun Dev / Jhulelal is Khidr).
Krishna is almost like Khidr
Krishna (Avatar Vishnu) is the giver of the sacred gnosis, like a guide of soul. Krishna is almost like Khidr. Krishna teaches the lesson of dharma (the Path, the reality of things as it).
Al-Khiḍr : The Green Man of Sufism
From the point of view of "History of Religions" clearly Islam inherited Khidr from earlier myths and faiths, a fact recognized by the Islamic tradition which associates him with Moses and Alexander. By the Middle Ages, however, he had been thoroughly assimilated into the world of Islam and taken on a special role, symbolized by his two titles, "the Green Man" and "the Hidden Prophet". In particular, he comes to stand for a certain kind of esoteric knowledge, which can only manifest in our banal everyday life as shock, either of outrage or of laughter, or both at once.
Khidr is one of the afrad (single unique), the Unique Ones who recieve illumination directly from God without human mediation.
Khidr and TransformationKrishna (Avatar Vishnu) is the giver of the sacred gnosis, like a guide of soul. Krishna is almost like Khidr. Krishna teaches the lesson of dharma (the Path, the reality of things as it).
Al-Khiḍr : The Green Man of Sufism
From the point of view of "History of Religions" clearly Islam inherited Khidr from earlier myths and faiths, a fact recognized by the Islamic tradition which associates him with Moses and Alexander. By the Middle Ages, however, he had been thoroughly assimilated into the world of Islam and taken on a special role, symbolized by his two titles, "the Green Man" and "the Hidden Prophet". In particular, he comes to stand for a certain kind of esoteric knowledge, which can only manifest in our banal everyday life as shock, either of outrage or of laughter, or both at once.
Khidr is one of the afrad (single unique), the Unique Ones who recieve illumination directly from God without human mediation.
Al-Khidr’s authority is natural, not institutional or hierarchical. What Khidr imparts is renewal and rejuvenation. The discovery of Khidr’s secret points not to something already there in nature, but to a discovery of what can be created, of what we can do next, of an ultimately alchemical transformation. For example, in 2004 when the Tsunami struck Indonesia, India, and Southeast Asia, the question for most people in its midst was not, “Why did this happen?” but rather, “What can we do now? How can we make life better? What’s possible?”
Here is the initiation of “acts of God,” the overwhelming tsunamis, the raging forest fires, the winds of hurricanes, and all of the stark reality such traumas transition us into.
Flash floods occur everywhere :
(Please click and open in new tab to watching video)
~ Popular Flash flood Videos
~ ENGLAND FLOODS National Grid New Enron
~ Flash Flood: Water sweeps cars down highway near Las Vegas
And ALLAH almighty say :
< ✿ > "When the earth is shaken with its [final] earthquake, (1) And the earth discharges its burdens, (2) and humans ask the question why the earth (happen like this)? (3) on that day, the Earth tells the story, (4) because your Lord has commanded (such) to him. "(5) (Holy Qur'an. al Zalzalah: 1-5)
< ✿ > "So the earthquake seized them, and they became within their home [corpses] fallen prone,(Holy Qur'an. Al-A'raf : 91)
< ✿ > "The blame, (charged) over those who do evil to man, and go beyond the limits of the earth without right. They it gets painful punishment". (Holy Qur'an. ash-Shura 42: 42).
< ✿ > "And your Lord would never destroy lands unjustly, while the people who do good." (Holy Qur'an. Hud: 117)
< ✿ > "And He gave you from all you asked of Him. And if you should count the favor of Allah , you could not enumerate them. Indeed, mankind is [generally] most unjust and ungrateful."(Holy Qur'an. Ibrahim 14: 34)
< ✿ > "Which of the favors of your Lord do you deny?". (Holy Qur'an. ar-Rahman: 42)
< ✿ > "And there is no your Lord (ALLAH) destroy the towns, before he sent in the capital was a messenger (prophet) reciting to them Our Signs; and never (too) We destroyed the cities; unless the population in a state of doing injustice. "(Holy Qur'an. al Qhashash, 28: 59)
< ✿ > "No one township (the rebellious inhabitants), but we destroy it before the Day of Judgment or we doom (population) with a very harsh punishment. That is already written in the book (Lauh Mahfuz) ". (Holy Qur'an. al-Isra, 17: 58)
♔Khidr is The King of the World♔
In Alice Bailey and Theosophical literature he called Sanat Kumara or Raudra Chakri - Shambhala Buddhist ruler ".
According to Church Universal and Triumphant, the Sanat Kumara is the leader of mankind. It has been said that he is the leader of the Illuminati, and it is he who will rule the world in the future. According to the esoteric tradition, mystical and certain gnostic, Sanat Kumara (ageless in Sanskrit) and 144,000 inhabitants of the planet Venus came to Earth.
Sanat Kumara is the great guru, saviour of Earth. Believers see him in all the major religions, as Skanda / Murugan / Kartikeya in Hinduism, Brahma-Sanam Kumara in Buddhism, Ancient of Days in Judeo-Christianity and Ahura Mazda di Zoroastrianisme. To Muslims, Sanat Kumara is al-Khidr, the 'Green Man' of Islamic and pre-Islamic lore, the Mentor of Moses in Quraan, Hadith, and Sufi Tafsirs, and in the lore associated with Alexander the Great's Quest for the Water of Eternal Life or Elixir of life or Fountain of Youth.
In tantric lore, he is the King of Shambhala, a spiritual centre where the governing deity of earth, Sanat Kumāra / Skanda / Murugan / Kartikeya in Hinduism, Brahma-Sanam Kumara in Buddhism , dwells as the highest avatar of the planetary Logos of earth, a manifestation of the Will of God.
Other names :
~ Vishnu Krishna
~ The Peace of all the Earth
~ The King of the World
~ Hermes, etc.
By : Led Zeppelin
lyrics :
Let the sun blazing over my face, stars to fill my dream
I am (means Khidr) a traveler of both space and time
My Shangri-La
Under the summer months
I will come back again, of course as the dust that floats high
in June, when movin 'through Kashmir.
Kashmir was the home of both Buddhist and Hindu Shaivite tantra. The two forms of tantra vied with each other. Some scholars believe that the Shangri-La is the story of literature owes to Shambhala (Khidr is The King of Shambala), a mythical kingdom in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, which is sought by explorers East and West.
John Matthews describes the archetype of the Green Man (Al-Khidr or Khidr) as “the spirit of nature … an ancient symbol of nature and fertility,” expressed in the Norse World Tree Yggdrasil, Attis and Adonis, Odin, Osiris, the King of the Wood, Harvest King, the May King and Queen May.
Murshid also wrote that, according to Qabbalah, Khidr is Jethro — the biblical father-in-law of Moses who taught Moses the Name of God in the form “I am that I am” (Lewis 1975: 207). Hazrat Inayat Khan called Khidr “the guiding angel of all seeking souls” (Inayat Khan: 1927, 105). Meher Baba reported that on the night St. Francis received his stigmata at Alvernia, Khidr visited him and gave him the “touch of grace” that made him a perfect master (Kalchuri: 14, 5011).
Maitreya will appear in the future, some thirty thousand years hence. At present Maitreya is believed to reside in the Tutshita. heaven, awaiting his last rebirth when the time is ripe. His name is derived from mitra, 'friend,' friendliness being a basic Buddhist virtue, akin to Christian love.
Vajrapani or Buddah Maitreya "Vajrayana and Mahayana"
Khidr is Vajrapani
She (Green Tara) is therefore a female form of the "Green Man" figure who is found carved in many European churches and cathedrals, and who is found in the Islamic traditions as the figure Al-Khidr.
In his book The Shaolin Monastery (2008), Prof. Meir Shahar notes Vajrapani is the patron saint of the Shaolin Monastery. In addition, he suggests the mythical elements of the tale were based on the fictional adventures of Sun Wukong / Sun Go Kong / The Monkey King from the Chinese epic Journey to the West.
"Padmasambhava regarded as the second Buddha in Bhutan and Tibet by the followers of the Nyingma school, where he is better known as Guru Rinpoche ("Precious Master"). He also has called Arunagiri Babaji. Khidr and Guru Rinpoche seems like each individual human being in a way that unique, in a form suitable to the spiritual world-view of them. Therefore, on the one hand, Guru Rinpoche has many biographies as there are people on Earth. Some speculate that not only two myths of Al-Khidr "the Green man" Guru Rinpoche and the same, they actually are the same figures ".
His first representations in India were identified with the thunder deity. Buddhaghosa associated Vajrapani with the Hindu god Indra, As Buddhism expanded in Central Asia, and fused with Hellenistic influences into Greco-Buddhism, the Greek hero Heracles was adopted to represent Vajrapani. He was then typically depicted as a hairy, muscular athlete, wielding a short "diamond" club.
In Japan, Vajrapani is known as Shukongōshin (執金剛神, "Diamond rod-wielding god"), and has been the inspiration for the Niō, the wrath-filled and muscular guardian god of the Buddha, standing today at the entrance of many Buddhist temples under the appearance of frightening wrestler-like statues. He is also associated with Fudo-Myo, an incarnation of Acala and the prayer mantra for Fudo-Myo references him as the powerful wielder of the vajra.
Some suggest that the war deity Kartikeya, who bears the title Skanda / Murugan is also a manifestation of Vajrapani, who bears some resemblance to Skanda because they both wield the vajra and are portrayed with flaming halos. He is also connected through Vajrapani through a theory to his connection to Greco-Buddhism, as Wei Tuo's image is reminiscent of the Heracles depiction of Vajrapani.
I am (Khidr) makes the pseudonym Tom Sam Cong and used by Tom Sam Cong as he name, in the fictional / mythical story version of The Legend of the Monkey King / Sun Wukong / The Monkey King "Journey to the West" were created by fiction writer Wu Cheng En mythical version. In the true story of a journey to the west, he has a real name Xuanzang (Hsuan-Tsang) not Tom Sam Cong (Tom Sam Cong role as a Buddhist monk in the story of the journey to the west) if you want to know the Monkey King to Turtle (Khidr which symbolized longevity in pond turtles live long) to cross the river is Baruna / Varuna / Varun Dev / Jhulelal both equally Avatar (Incarnation) the same Vishnu Avatar Kurma, the tortoise (Incarnation of Vishnu), appears in Satya Yuga. according to Hindu belief, Baruna / Varuna / Varun Dev / Jhulelal (Baruna / Varuna / Varun Dev / Jhulelal is prophet Khidir) to master the law of nature called Reta.
In Sanskrit Khidr "Green Man" cognate with gana Kirtimukha or "Face Of Glory" associated with the lila of Shiva and Rahu. "Face Of Glory" often seen in iconography and Vajrayana Buddhist Thanka art where it is often included as a simulacrum cloudform; and described the coronation of 'Wheel of Becoming' '(symbolic representation of samsara) or Bhavachakra.
Al-Khiḍr : The Green Man of Sufism
From the point of view of "History of Religions" clearly Islam inherited Khidr from earlier myths and faiths, a fact recognized by the Islamic tradition which associates him with Moses and Alexander. By the Middle Ages, however, he had been thoroughly assimilated into the world of Islam and taken on a special role, symbolized by his two titles, "The Green Man" and "The Hidden Prophet". In particular, he comes to stand for a certain kind of esoteric knowledge, which can only manifest in our banal everyday life as shock, either of outrage or of laughter, or both at once. Khidr is one of the afrad, the Unique Ones who recieve illumination directly from God without human mediation.
"Stairway to Heaven"
By : Led Zeppelin
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold (Sublime and Noble).
Somewhere tree (Green Man) near the river, there is a songbird who sings.
If there is a frenzy in the hedge you, do not worry now It's only clean water for May Queen (the meaning oh May Queen is Khidr)
and he bought "Stairway to Heaven".
When all are one and one is all ". (Meaning a lot of his name just one, one person with so many names .... means Khidr)
'Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings.
I created nickname Jimmy Page for Jimmy Page (guitaris of Led Zeppelin)
to read more, please click in new tab :
< ✿ > The One
< ✿ > Krishna - Al-Khidr is Rishi means Poet or Prophet
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